About John Kehoe

Having earned worldwide recognition for his work, John is an energetic teacher, a best-selling author, a socially conscious human, and a believer in your ability to transform your future with your thoughts. Refusing to rest on his past achievements, John continues to reach new heights within his study of consciousness and the power of the mind.

How to Get Good Luck: 9 Simple Ways to Attract Good Fortune

In this post, you will discover 9 tips that will help you get good luck. Luck is a concept that refers to events or circumstances that occur by chance, often without any apparent explanation or cause. It is often used to describe positive or favorable outcomes that happen unexpectedly or inexplicably.There are several simple things you can do to increase your luck. In fact, I have developed a practice that has increased my luck considerably over the years that I’m about to share with you.Let’s dive in. […]

The Law Of Change

The law of change states that nothing remains the same forever and everything is in a state of constant flux. It is a fundamental principle of the universe that governs everything in existence. In this post, we'll explore the law of change in greater depth and how it impacts our lives. We'll take a closer look at the different causes of change, including choices we make, chance events, and crises. I'll also show you how to harness the law of change to adapt and grow in the face of life's challenges. Let's get started. What is the Law of Change? The law of change states that everything is in the process of becoming something else. It has a constant and dramatic effect on our lives. Change happens everywhere and with everyone and happens constantly. In the galaxies of outer space, where our sun will burn out in a few hundred million years, change is happening. In the subatomic world, where particles are colliding with one another and morphing into something else in hundredths of a second, change is happening. Everything is always changing. So too in our lives, change is the one constant that we can be absolutely sure of. Life is in constant motion and is forever changing and becoming something new. Change in business: No business stays the same year after year. You are either gaining market share or losing market share. You are either innovating new products and gaining on your competition or your competition is innovating new products and gaining on you. You are becoming either more competitive or less competitive. You are either gaining customers or losing customers. You may choose to make no changes to your business. But the marketplace, however, is not static. Change in relationships: So too in our relationships with our friends, children, parents, spouses, or co-workers; all are in the process of becoming something else. Through using the dynamics of choice we can choose to deepen and enrich the relationships that are important to us. Change in health and spirituality: Our health will not remain the same. Our choices in diet, exercise, thoughts, and lifestyle will all have their effect. So too with our spirituality. Left alone, unattended, it will not stay the same but will wither into something that no longer nourishes us. By choosing to enrich our spirituality through practices, prayer, and study, and making this an active part of our life, we reap the rewards. Life demands that we be in rhythm with the eternal laws, embrace change when change is called for, and move into something new and different on a regular basis. Sometimes these changes will be small and almost unnoticeable. Other times they are dramatic and swift and shock us with their arrival but we should always welcome change as it is a necessary and valuable part of life. So why don’t we live our lives acknowledging this and initiate change on a regular basis, thus putting ourselves in harmony and rhythm with [...]

Authentic Relationships: 5 Ways to Reveal Your True Self

Authentic relationships are the foundation of a fulfilling life. But how do we create them? In this blog post, we’ll show you what being authentic means and share five provide practical steps to building meaningful and authentic relationships. Let’s dive in. What Does It Mean to Be Authentic in a Relationship? You Are Not Afraid to Be and Show Who You Are Authentic people are secure with who they are. They know their strengths and use them in a loving, compassionate way. They know their weaknesses and catch themselves, without recrimination, when they fall into them. They are what we sometimes refer to as being “real.” They make no pretence. They don’t build themselves up to look better and don’t tear themselves down to look worse. […]

How to Use the Law of Assumption to Manifest

Many people have attempted to use the Law of Assumption but have not seen the results they were hoping for. The reason for this is that they were not using the technique correctly. In this blog post, I will walk you through the correct method for using the Law of Assumption so that you can manifest anything you desire. Let’s dive in. […]

Opposite Thinking: How to Come Up with Original Ideas

Opposite thinking is a valuable tool that can help you come up with creative ideas by looking at a problem or situation from a new perspective. This is a great technique to begin thinking out of the box, and especially powerful if you’re feeling stuck in an area of your life. In this post, we’ll provide two examples of opposite thinking in action, and we’ll discuss how you can use it to enhance your life. What Is Opposite Thinking? Opposite thinking, also known as reverse thinking, is a technique for generating innovative ideas. It can help you quickly generate out-of-the-box solutions to problems in both your personal and professional lives. Not only is it effective, but it is also simple and fun to use. Doing the opposite of what’s expected can also be an effective strategy in such competitive situations as sports, business, politics, romance, etc. […]

The 6 Laws of the Mind and How to Use Them

The six laws of the mind explain why our thoughts are so powerful and how we can creatively use them. They are the foundation of the Mind Power training I’ve taught hundreds of students over several decades. Let’s dive in. […]

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