Mind Power techniques are based on one fundamental principle: “what you focus on, you attract”.

Having a successful life and achieving ambitious goals are skills that everyone can learn using Mind Power. Even though we are not consciously aware of it, we live in an immense energy web that responds to our thoughts, because our thoughts are energy. This realization has tremendous implications, which we can use to our advantage.

You’re about to discover 4 techniques issued from the Mind Power system that will help you focus and direct your thoughts and manifest your desired reality.

The first technique I will teach you is visualization.

Mind Power techniques

1. Visualization

Visualization is a simple mental technique where you imagine achieving your goals over and over. With your eyes closed, you spend five minutes each day seeing yourself closing the deal, having the relationship, healing the illness—whatever the thing is that you wish to manifest.

The key is to always visualize that you already have what you want.

You don’t hope you’ll achieve it or build confidence that someday it will happen. No, with the visualization technique, you project yourself into a world where everything you want is already yours.

Your conscious mind understands the images you create aren’t real, but the subconscious mind doesn’t. The subconscious mind doesn’t differentiate between actual experiences and imagined ones. And it will act upon the images you visualize whether they’re real or not.

Countless celebrities and pro athletes have spoken about the power of visualizations and how they’ve helped them get to where they are: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Carrey, and Muhammad Ali, to only name a few.

And if it worked for them, it will work for you. Because practicing Mind Power is understanding that what you focus on, you attract.

2. Affirmations

Another powerful Mind Power technique is affirmations.

Affirmations are phrases you repeat to yourself. Through repetition, your subconscious ends up accepting them as true – manifesting them into reality. Successful business people use them to close deals and run their businesses. Artists use them to be creative and come up with innovative ideas. You can use them too, in any area of your life.

So what do you affirm? Anything that you want to happen. But beware, affirmations aren’t wishful thinking. When you affirm, you assume you already are and have what you wish to have or be. Thus, you must always phrase affirmations in the present tense. And as you repeat the affirmations, try to feel what it’s like, even for an instant, to experience their truth.

For example, let’s say you’re recovering from a leg injury. You could repeat to yourself: “I have strong and healthy legs.” You would repeat the affirmation over and over again for several minutes each day.

Why do affirmations work? They work because whatever you verbally repeat to yourself will influence your thoughts.

Say to yourself, “I have strong and healthy legs,” and your mind will begin imagining strong and healthy legs. And soon enough, you’ll be able to feel the strength in your leg, accelerating the healing process.

What you focus your mind on, you attract, so begin focusing on whatever it is you want.

Practicing Mind Power techniques

3. Acknowledging

There is an old maxim that says, “Nothing succeeds like success.” And it’s true. The more successful you project out into the universe, the more success and opportunities come back to you. And that’s because things of similar energetic frequency attract each other. To understand how this works, read our post about Quantum Mind Power.

So if you are already successful, the law of attraction is working for you and you have momentum on your side. Your success vibration is a great asset to you. But if you are struggling and not yet successful, the Mind Power technique known as “acknowledging” will serve you well.

Acknowledging means searching for areas of your life where you are already successful.

Though it may sound simple, most of us are quicker to see the negative in our lives—our own failures and shortcomings— rather than the positive—our achievements and successes. To vibrate with and manifest success, we must override this self-sabotaging habit.

When reflecting on your day, year, or life, ask yourself: “How have I been successful?” This question also makes a great journaling prompt.

You may not like this question at first because it forces you to look for greatness in places where you’ve convinced yourself it doesn’t exist. But if you sit with it, you’ll find that in one way or another, there are areas of your life where you are or have been successful.

For example, are you a loving parent? What skills do you have that other people don’t? Do people enjoy your company? Is your driving safer than most people’s? Are you generous? Have you made someone smile lately? Are you a person of your word?

Success is often falsely boiled down to money and fame. But when acknowledging, we get to use a much wider definition because the vibration of success is the same whether you’re successful professionally, romantically, or as a parent. This means that acknowledging one type of success, e.g. punctuality, can help you manifest other types of success, like romance or financial abundance.

So choose your own definition of success and make a list of facts and events that validate the fact that you are, indeed, successful. Then spend five minutes every day reading this list and acknowledging your positive traits.

Embrace the feeling of success and let it seep into your consciousness.

4. Eliminating Negative Thinking

When practicing Mind Power techniques, the most important point you need to remember is: what you focus on you attract.

Simply put, Mind Power is about training your mind to think about what you want in life and avoid thinking about what you don’t want.

Negative emotions like worry, fear, and doubt allow the mind to focus on what you don’t want. Not only does this drain your energy but it is counterproductive. That is why fear is so destructive and why despair and hopelessness must be avoided. They are, in many ways, Mind Power in reverse.

So how do we eliminate this negative thinking?

The first step is to recognize the importance of eliminating them. The second is to be aware when negatives are happening to us.

Now, you can’t avoid negative thinking entirely. Sometimes negative thoughts just “pop” into our minds. What we can do, however, is to be vigilant and aware, so that we immediately recognize these thoughts when they arise.

And when we catch ourselves thinking negative thoughts, we can use additional techniques to get rid of them.

Woman sitting on mountain top practicing Mind Power

How to Use Mind Power Techniques

If you were to do every Mind Power technique shared in the Mind Power Into the 21st Century book for five minutes every day, you’d probably need an hour and a half a day to complete them, and that’s simply too much time.

In our modern, busy, active lives, time is precious and needs to be used wisely. That’s why I suggest you limit yourself to twenty to thirty minutes a day. This is sufficient time to see dramatic results in a relatively short amount of time, and yet very doable, even for the busiest person.

You have to work to see results with Mind Power. It’s not a magic wand. Mind Power is a practice, not a philosophy. There are very few practices that will guarantee you results from just twenty to thirty minutes a day. So we’re fortunate to have these techniques.

Having personally taught this system to millions of individuals, I have a great deal of firsthand experience with the different ways people use Mind Power.

Some people use several techniques at once, while others use only one or two. I know individuals who have achieved great success using only the affirmation technique and nothing else.

Designing your own personal Mind Power program is like painting a canvas. There are a few basic rules of composition and color, but after that each artist paints in his or her own particular way.

The one thing that matters and that you will experience with regular practice: RESULTS!

Ready for more?

The Mind Power Training John Kehoe successfully taught live around the world for over 40 years is now available online in a 6-week format, streamed directly to your laptop, tablet or mobile device.

This training will provide you with the knowledge, tools and techniques necessary to create the life you desire.

John Kehoe himself will take you to the inner sanctums of your mind and teach you step-by-step how to exercise and apply potent techniques and principles to maximize your personal power. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to change your life forever.