Do you have big dreams that seem out of reach? Are you struggling to make progress towards your goals, despite your best efforts?

Whether you’re looking to achieve financial abundance, find your soulmate, or realize your life purpose, this guide will give you the tools and insights you need to turn your dreams into reality.

Manifesting your dreams is a powerful technique that involves aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your deepest desires, and tapping into your inner powers to bring them to fruition.

In this blog post, I will explain the principles of manifestation and provide you with practical tips and techniques to help you manifest your dreams with profound clarity.

But before we start, it’s important that you set a clear intention for what you want to manifest and why you want to manifest it into your life. Define your dream. Take some time to clearly define and visualize what you want to manifest. Write it down or create a vision board to help you focus your thoughts.

Got it? Good. Let’s get started.

1. Contemplate the Dreams You Want to Manifest

contemplate to manifest your dreams

Contemplation is the act of thinking deeply; reflecting and pondering on a subject or idea. It involves focusing and engaging in deep thought, with the purpose of gaining a deeper understanding of a concept, situation, or oneself.

Why is contemplation an essential part of manifesting dreams? Because it helps us think through our goal carefully, understand how it might impact our life, find out if it’s what we truly want, and adjust it if need be—before going all in.

Here’s how contemplation works:

  1. Find a quiet and peaceful space: Choose a place where you can contemplate without any distractions. This could be a quiet room in your home, a park, or a natural setting. Make sure to disconnect from your devices if it helps you concentrate better.
  2. Relax and center yourself: Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to relax and let go of any tension or stress. Focus on the present moment and bring your attention to your breath for a few moments.
  3. Contemplate your dreams: Think about what you want. Think it through well. There have been many who have manifested their dreams only to find that it was never what they truly wanted. It was maybe something someone else wanted for them or maybe even a societal expectation. Always ask yourself, does this goal feel right for me?

2. Find Your Why

Next, you need a purpose for your dream. Think about why you want it and what good it will do not only for you but for others as well.

I’ve noticed time and time again with students I’ve worked with that the moment you find a “why” that’s greater than yourself, you get a powerful incentive to begin taking action towards your goals.

“Your success helps many people and your failure helps no one.” – John Kehoe

Once during a live seminar, I was speaking about this very topic—how to manifest your dreams. I asked the crowd if anyone wanted to share their dream. A young man in the crowd stood up and told all of us that he wanted to become the richest man in Canada.

Curious about his answer, I asked him why he wanted to become the richest man in Canada and what his motivation was? He didn’t know how to answer that question.

Yes, it was a bold dream that the young man could have accomplished, as long as he found his why. Finding your why allows you to understand what your motivators are and what things you will need to do in order to align yourself to achieve your dreams.

Here’s why you need a purpose for your dream before you can manifest it:

  1. Clarity: When you have a clear purpose, you can visualize what you want to achieve in detail. This clarity helps you to focus your energy and efforts towards your goals and gives you a clear direction to work towards.
  2. Motivation: A clear purpose can be a powerful motivator. It gives you a reason to work towards your goals, even when things get tough. Having a purpose helps you to stay focused on the big picture and to keep pushing forward, even when faced with challenges.
  3. Alignment: When your purpose aligns with your values and beliefs, you are more likely to stay committed to your goals. This alignment helps to ensure that you are pursuing something that is meaningful and important to you, which can help you to stay motivated and focused.
  4. Results: When you have a purpose, you are more likely to manifest your dreams. This is because your purpose helps you to tap into the power of the universe and align your energy with your goals. When your energy is aligned with your purpose, you are more likely to attract the people, resources, and opportunities that you need to achieve your dreams.

3. Practice manifestation techniques daily

I often say  that weak and scattered thoughts are weak and scattered energy while strong and concentrated thoughts are strong forces of energy. Thinking only once or twice about your dreams won’t help you achieve them. Thinking about them in a thoughtful and concentrated way every single day will support your manifestation process.

This is the foundation of my Mind Power Training—I train people to direct their thoughts to be strong and concentrated so they are more efficient in attracting the people, circumstances and events they need in order to manifest their dreams.

Here’s a snapshot of what I teach in my training:

  1. Either in the morning or the evening, sit down for 5 minutes and think about your dream. Use a timer to avoid checking your watch or phone during the practice.
  2. Use a manifestation technique to help you during those 5 minutes—visualizations, affirmations, or looking at your vision board.
  3. Do this every single day for 90 days straight. It takes 90 days to create a habit and by creating a habit of thinking about what you want, you will naturally think about it throughout the day.

4. Put Yourself Out There!

Without action, thought cannot manifest. You need to put yourself out there for the universe to work its magic.

When you put yourself out there, you become clearer about what you want to achieve. This clarity of intentions helps you to focus on your goals, and you become more intentional about taking the necessary steps to achieve them.

You also increase your chances of getting noticed by the right people or opportunities that can help you achieve your dreams. You never know who you might meet or what doors might open for you when you step out of your comfort zone and try new things.

Lastly, you become comfortable with taking risks. Yes, putting yourself out there can be intimidating, but it’s important to take risks and try new things to find new ways to achieve your dreams.

Not sure where to start? Here are some ways you can put yourself out there:

  1. Network and connect: Attend events, conferences, and other social gatherings related to your field of interest. Connect with people who share similar goals, and be open to building relationships and collaborations.
  2. Share your story: Tell people about your journey and progress towards your dreams. This can help you gain support from others who are interested in what you’re doing. Share your progress and challenges along the way, and be open to feedback and advice from others.
  3. Take on responsibilities: Look for opportunities to gain experience in your field of interest by volunteering or interning with organizations or individuals who share your values and goals. This can help you build skills, knowledge, and connections.
  4. Learn and grow: Read books, attend workshops, or take courses related to your field of interest. This can help you expand your knowledge, skills, and expertise, and make you a more valuable contributor to your community.

Train Your Mind for Success; Learn more about Mind Power Training and how to .

Manifesting is a life skill that will serve you well. Learn more about how to use manifestation techniques and program your mind for success by signing up for Mind Power Training. It is a worthy skill to learn and the pay-off is magnificent!

Learn to Use Your Subconscious Mind to Manifest All You Desire

Join my Mind Power training and I’ll guide you on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, showing you how to program your subconscious mind to attract success and abundance.