Money Secrets

There is a prosperity system that, when followed and practiced, invariably leads an individual to financial success. This system, which involves mastering both inner and outer skills, does not happen by chance or luck (unless you win the lottery) but by the application of very specific principles. Here are some of them: […]

The Placebo Effect

The placebo effect is one of the most fascinating aspects of health care. Traditional medicine, while very aware of the effect, does not know quite what to do about it. People on both sides of the issue argue passionately about its use. The advocates see it as a cure all. Its opponents call it a sham and an illusion. What both agree on, however, is that in many cases placebos work, and now new research is indicating that its success is far wider and more encompassing than ever suspected. […]

Be a Good Receiver

Are you a good receiver? It might sound like a funny question but it is an important one that each of us should ask ourselves. Strangely, most of us are better givers than we are receivers. We give to our children, our spouses, our friends, charities and, contrary to what we might think, most of us are actually very good at giving. But receiving; now that is another matter. We often feel subtly uncomfortable when receiving. Even compliments get deflected when they come our way. Someone pays us a compliment for helping them move or clean up the house and we say, “Ah, it was nothing.” Or someone compliments us on an outfit we are wearing and we feel inclined to mention how we bought it at a discount instead of simply enjoying the compliment and letting it nourish us. The compliment is a gift to us, and when we don’t receive it properly we are dishonoring the giver. […]

The Immune System

Anyone who looks seriously into the amazing healing processes of the body discovers a remarkable process – the immune system. Although we have learned more about the immune system in the past twenty years than in the entire history of medical science, we are still in our infancy of understanding the complexity of this system. […]

Happiness & Joy

I believe absolutely that it is our duty and responsibility to cultivate the virtue of happiness and joy, and practice that virtue daily in our lives. Not only do we become empowered with this practice, but it also empowers everyone we come into contact with. And beyond this, the practice of happiness helps to change the vibration of our global consciousness. If it is even remotely possible for you, you should find something to be happy and joyful about today, even at this very moment. […]

The Power of Vibration

One of the first people in our time to render vibration into visible forms was the eighteenth-century German physicist Ernst Chladni, who began by scattering sand on steel disks and observing the changing patterns produced by playing various notes on a violin. These “Chladni figures” which have so inspired artists and symbolists, result from the fact that the disk resonates to the violin only in certain places, shifting the sand to those areas which are inert. Chladni’s work inspired the late Hans Jenny of Zurich to spend ten years duplicating and expanding his experiments with sophisticated equipment, and he named the pursuit cymatics, the study of the interrelationship of waveforms with matter. […]

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