In this post, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how your thoughts are energy.

Learning to work with your thoughts can dramatically change your life. In fact, your thoughts shape your reality whether you use them consciously or not. And I’m about to show you how you can use your thoughts to transform your reality and manifest anything you want.

Let’s dive in.

Thoughts are energy

Everything in the universe is energy: the things you can see, like clouds, furniture, and dogs, but also the things you can’t, such as emotions and thoughts.

Try to think of the physical universe as a radio tower.

You can see its physical presence, and you know its purpose. But you can’t see the signals it’s transmitting. And yet, when you drive, you hear the music playing and the talk-show host speaking.

That’s exactly what your thoughts are. Your thoughts are a form of energy that transmits a signal from your individual radio tower out to everything and everyone around you.

Unlike a radio tower, the energy that comes from your thoughts isn’t limited to a geographic location. Your thoughts are connected to the energy web of all reality, which is all around us.

In other words, the power of your thoughts is limitless. And when you learn to discipline your mind and choose what thoughts you think, everything becomes possible.

Now, this is pretty exciting news.

At all times, the energy of your thoughts is transmitted and communicated to the energy web of all reality. The universe reads the vibrational frequency of your thoughts and attracts the people, places and circumstances that make them a reality.

woman in a field of energy created by her thoughts

Thoughts create your reality

Everything in the universe has a unique vibration. So do thoughts.

Different types of thoughts emit different types of vibrational frequencies, also known as energy signatures. An energy signature is essentially a unique identifier used by the energy web to understand how to communicate with all things in our world.

This revelation can either be liberating or hindering depending on the types of thoughts you think.

If you’re constantly worrying about money, it may be more difficult for you to make ends meet. Because when you construct your thoughts in a negative way, you tend to manifest the concerns that you’re thinking about.

As backwards as this sounds, it happens all the time to people who don’t take the time to discipline their minds to think differently.

But this revelation can be tremendously powerful, too. Imagine if you trained your mind so that you could manifest anything by just thinking about it. Imagine all the different ways you could shape your reality – the possibilities are endless!

I’ve taught countless people through my Mind Power Training that when you can align your thoughts with the energy of the things you want, they will manifest in your life.

And the reason the program has had such a high success rate is that we all have the capacity and power within ourselves to utilize the energy of our thoughts to shape our reality.

You are what you think

Since all thoughts are energy and hold a specific energy signature, the thoughts you think become the energetic frequencies that vibrate within you. In other words, whatever thoughts you constantly think about, you become. 

Furthermore, we know the universe responds to the energy signature of our thoughts. So this gives us a wonderful opportunity to reflect on and choose who we want to become.

Let’s say you want to manifest a fabulous relationship. One of the first things you want to do is take an inventory of the beliefs you hold about relationships.

Do you think that “there are no good options available”? Or that “there’s no such thing as a soulmate”? If that’s the case, you are emitting vibrational frequencies of uncertainty. And since your thoughts are energy, your subconscious mind will adopt those thoughts and you will remain single.

You can re-create your identity and your reality in any way you want by simply repeating to yourself who and what you want to become.

For example, if you want to become more assertive, you will want to affirm to yourself that you are assertive and make good decisions, over and over.

The trick here is to affirm the quality or thing you wish to possess as if you already had it, rather than wishing to receive it.

The subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between a lived and a visualized experience, so choose affirmations that assume you already have what you want to have.

woman thinking positive thoughts and emitting positive energy

The power of positive thinking

When you take inventory of the type of thoughts you think, one thing you always want to see is if there’s a pattern of negative or positive thinking.

The energy web of all reality doesn’t recognize whether thoughts are constructed positively or negatively. So if you consistently think in negatives, you will end up attracting what you don’t want.

This is why we have to be vigilant about not only what we think, but also what we say.

There was a woman who had a saying she liked to use when something or someone displeased her. She would think and say: “What a pain in the neck!” It was her favourite thing to say in such circumstances.

And guess what? She developed chronic neck pain that stayed with her most of her life.

I am sure you can find examples in your life of how people use thoughts to influence what happens to them. Thoughts and words we use are powerful forces.

How to replace negative thoughts

One of the most important things I always tell people is to learn to catch negative thoughts before they gain momentum. When you constantly think negative thoughts and have negative feelings, you risk imprinting them into your subconscious and making them a reality.

The key to changing your pattern of thinking for the better is to catch the negative thoughts before they are entrenched into your subconscious mind. This is a Mind Power technique called “eliminating the negatives”.

Here are some tips to change your thoughts from negative to positive:

  1. Become aware of negative thoughts when they happen
  2. Replace the negative thought with a positive thought. Two thoughts can’t coexist so this eliminates the negative thought. Think of something you’re grateful for, for instance.
  3. When you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, think the opposite, even though it sounds silly or you have a hard time believing it.
  4. Use affirmations for training your mind and reinforcing positive thoughts. This is the fastest way to imprint them into your subconscious mind.
  5. Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. This means phrasing your thoughts and affirmations in a positive way (eg. “I do not want to lose my job” -> “I feel secure and competent in my job”).

The power of the subconscious mind

Your subconscious mind is your partner in success. It gives you the ability to interact with the energy web of all reality and manifest success, wealth, love, and anything else you desire.

In fact, your subconscious is the powerhouse within you.

Spending 5 minutes every day concentrating on specific thoughts will allow you to manifest your desired reality. Through repeated practice, you will build a new energy, a new vibration within your subconscious mind which inevitably will attract the people, places and circumstances that you need in order to manifest what it is you want.

That is one of the foundational techniques I teach in  Mind Power Training.

I have a saying and that is, “When the student is ready the teaching will appear.”

There is no better program than Mind Power out there to teach you how to tap into the most amazing asset you have—your inner power to create your reality.

I look forward to starting this journey with you.

Learn to Use Your Thoughts to Manifest All You Desire

Join my Mind Power training and I’ll guide you on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, showing you how to program your subconscious mind to attract success and abundance.