In this post, you’ll learn how to manifest weight loss using powerful Mind Power techniques. Learn how fun and easy to be fit and look great.

We’ll break down the method step by step. So even if you have no experience with manifesting, you’ll be able to follow along and get the results you want.

In fact, this is the very method dozens of our students have used to manifest success, an ideal partner, or their dream body.

Let’s dive in.

woman standing thinking about weight loss and how to do it easily

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

The traditional approach to weight loss says that weight loss is all about eating less and moving more. While this is definitely true, there is something else that needs to be taken into account: your mindset.

If you’ve ever followed a diet or workout program, you might already know this. Exercise and diet alone aren’t enough.

If you want to lose weight, you need to start by changing the way you think about yourself and your body.

To lose weight for good, you must get your mind to cooperate with you. Most people don’t get that. No wonder why they get frustrated.

If you are not losing weight, it means a part of you doesn’t want to lose it.

That part of you may fear it’ll be difficult. You’ll never eat tasty food again. You won’t be invited to dinner parties anymore. People will make fun of you in the gym. And despite all these sacrifices, you might still not lose weight.

You may also be afraid to succeed. If you did, your identity might change and your life might not be as good as it is now. People will see you differently. Your relationships will change.

For this part of you, it feels much safer to keep the weight on.

happy women manifesting weight loss

How to Use Manifesting to Lose Weight

In order to manifest weight loss, you need to imprint new beliefs into your subconscious mind.

For that, we’ll use manifesting.

Over the past 45 years, we’ve taught hundreds of people to attract the things they want.

We use visualization, affirmation, and acknowledgement to change thoughts and manifest weight loss.

In the beginning, we ask people to put between 15 and 20 minutes a day doing exercises. (Not physical exercises. You don’t have to do any physical exercises in this system if you don’t want to.)

During that time, you’re going to imprint into your subconscious a new energy vibration. And when that vibration of energy settles in your subconscious, it will attract the people, the circumstances, the events, and the synchronicity that can make weight loss happen.

As you program your subconscious, your subconscious begins to accept your new self-image and your new reality. You have new beliefs and you find that you make healthy choices naturally. For the first time, you feel it’s fun and easy to be fit and look great.

manifesting weight loss healthy habits

Step 1: Visualize What You Want

Spend 2 minutes each day visualizing your ideal body. Picture what it allows you to be and do. Imagine what it feels like to be in perfect shape. And don’t skimp on details.

Really take the time to visualize what your life looks like once you’ve achieved your goal.

What are you able to do? How do you dress? How do you walk? Do you talk differently? What do people say about you?

The more detailed and specific you can be, the better. The more realistic your visualization, the easier it will be to manifest.

Take inventory of your inner world. What does your self-talk sound like? How do you feel when looking at yourself in the mirror? When talking to other people? Confident? Attractive? Mobile? Proud? Free?

Repeat these images over and over and over again. They will find their way into your subconscious. And then the subconscious will do the work for you.

The universe is forever monitoring and responding to your energy. You need to learn to speak the secret language of the universe so you can attract whatever you want in life.

Yes, there is a secret language of the universe and that secret language is vibrations. Everything in and around you is vibrating energy.

I have a John Kehoe vibration of energy, and it brings me my John Kehoe reality. You have a vibration of energy. Science calls it your energy signature.

When you focus on what you want to achieve and how you want to feel, you’re tuning your energy and communicating with the universe. You start attracting the things you want.

That’s why visualization is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal for creating the life we want.

When we visualize what we want, we put ourselves in a position to receive it. We create a vibrational match for what we desire. As long as that match exists, the universe will ensure that we get what we want.

Whatever it is you want to have happened, imagine it already has happened to you. Not that it will happen. Not that you’re very confident and determined that it will happen.

But that it ALREADY HAS happened.

Now, I’m not talking about living in an illusion and hanging on to it for the whole day. I’m talking about an exercise that takes 2 to 3 minutes. And during that 2 or 3 minutes, what you do is imagine that you already have whatever it is you want.

visualizations for weight loss

Step 2: Use Affirmations

Affirmations are the second tool you’ll use to change your mindset around weight loss.

Affirmations are statements that you repeat to yourself. They are designed to increase your confidence and belief in your ability to achieve a goal.

“I am the greatest. I said that even before I knew I was. I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I was really the greatest.” – Muhammad Ali

While affirmations are often for manifesting success, they can also be used to manifest weight loss.

Here are a few affirmations you can use:

  • It will be easy and fun to lose the weight
  • When I lose weight and when I’m fit and healthy, I will be happier and I will be able to be with my family in a more authentic way
  • I am capable of reaching my ideal weight.
  • I am committed to making healthy choices that support my weight loss goals
  • I trust myself to make the necessary changes to reach my ideal weight
  • Every day, I am healthier and healthier
  • I will feel better, I will look better, and I will have more energy to enjoy my life when I lose this weight

Do you have to believe it? Does it have to be currently true? No.

Anything that you repeat to yourself over and over again will take an imprint in the subconscious and will begin working for you.

Ultimately, you do have to exercise. You do have to diet. But because you’ve programmed your subconscious that it’ll be easy and fun, a time will come when you will feel that way and you will look forward to a good workout and a healthy meal.

Some people feel silly or vain using affirmations. However, it’s important to remember that the purpose of affirmations is not to make you feel good about yourself but to help you override the belief system that prevents you from losing weight.

If you find it difficult to take affirmations seriously at first, try thinking of them as positive self-talk. Just as you would encourage a friend to keep going when they’re trying to lose weight, affirmations are designed to do the same for you.

Write your affirmations down or say them out loud several times each day. The more you repeat them, the more likely you are to believe them. And when you believe in your ability to achieve your goals, anything is possible!

visualizing a healthy and delicious meal

Step 3: Acknowledge Your Success

Another way beliefs are changed is through experience. If your environment brings forth evidence that you are making progress towards a healthier lifestyle, your new beliefs will be reinforced thus accelerating your progress.

Throughout the day, acknowledge the moments when you act or feel “like someone fit and looking great“. Pat yourself on the back every time your behaviour mirrors the belief system you train daily through affirmations and visualization.

Did you order a side of broccoli instead of fries? Drink sparkling water instead of soda? Did you walk instead of drive? Did you lift something someone else couldn’t? Did you outplay your children?

Examine your personal habits and beliefs and environments and find things that point to you being a healthy and fit person.

Do you not smoke? Do you filter your water? Turn your phone off at night? Do you play sports? Do you own a bike? Do you buy organic produce?

Take note of these moments and notice how they support your identity as a health-conscious individual.

Acknowledging could also be done as a journaling exercise. Every evening, write down the answers to: “What healthy choices have I made today?”.

If you’ve made some poor health decisions, also answer: “What could have I done instead?” Then visualize yourself making a better decision the next day.

If you can find evidence daily for your new beliefs, you’ll be well on your way to manifesting your weight loss goals. Just remember, it’s not going to happen overnight.

Learn to Manifest Weight Loss with John Kehoe and Mind Power

Join my Mind Power training and I’ll guide you on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, showing you how to program your subconscious mind to get in the best shape of your life.

Learn More

What Is Manifesting and How Does It Work?

Manifesting is the process of creating something in your life through the power of your thoughts and feelings. You can use manifesting to attract anything you want, including weight loss.

Manifesting is based on a simple yet powerful principle: any thought which is repeated over and over again in the conscious mind will eventually make an imprint on the subconscious. Once it’s made its imprint, the thought becomes a belief.

In this system, we let the subconscious do the work.

We get to imprint into our subconscious whatever it is that we want.

As human beings, we create on three levels: we create with our thoughts, our words and our actions. To lose weight, we tend to focus only on actions—how we eat and exercise.

But actions start with thoughts.

To create lasting change, we have to first change our thoughts. Then we change our language. And then we change the action.

It becomes easy for people to lose weight (and keep it off) once they change their minds and program a new way of being into their subconscious.

Very often, people will do a weight loss program and they lose the weight. But then they gain it back again. Why? They haven’t changed the fundamental belief system. They haven’t changed their self-image.

You’ll never change your eating habits permanently if you’re only working with the action. You first have to address the cause. And part of the cause is how you see yourself—who you believe yourself to be.

Manifesting students motivated about weight loss

How to Stay Motivated When You’re Trying to Lose Weight

When it comes to weight loss, motivation is key. If you’re not motivated to lose weight, you’re going to find it difficult to stick to a diet or exercise plan. Here are a few tips for staying motivated when you’re trying to lose weight:

  • Make a list of reasons why you want to lose weight, and refer to it often.
  • Find a diet or exercise buddy who can help you stay on track.
  • Set small, achievable goals so you can see progress being made.
  • Reward yourself for reaching your goals, with something other than food!
  • Keep a weight loss journal to track your progress and look back on how far you’ve come.


Following these tips will help you manifest weight loss without a doubt. Just remember to be patient. Practice Mind Power daily. Focus on how you want to feel and who you want to become. And communicate your intentions daily to the universe through manifesting, affirmations, and acknowledging. Before you know it, you’ll be exactly the weight you’ve always dreamt of being.